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美食 | “舌尖体”英语速成秘籍

发布日期:2025-01-04 15:25    点击次数:193
  How to Talk (and Not Talk) like a Foodie: a Primer  By Andy Kryza   译 / 子昊  Both foodies and people who just have to eat (aka everybody) can always agree on the fact that they love food. How they talk about it? Well, that's a very, very different story. In the name of science, we invited a hardcore foodie and a normal dude to have dinner together, commenting along the way about what was going in their mouths.  不管是美食家还是必须得吃饭的普通人(也就是所有人),在热爱食物这一点上总是能够达成共识。二者如何谈论食物?那差别可就非常非常大了。以科学的名义,我们邀请了一位资深美食家和一位普通人一起用餐,同时请他们对自己享用的食物做出点评。  BEER 啤酒  The Foodie says:“The subtle flavors in this brew really set it apart. The distinct floral qualities add a certain complexity to the bitterness of—I want to say Cascade hops1)? Yes, those are definitely Cascade hops.”  TheRegular Dude says: “Man, this beer was great. Now give me another beer.”  美食家如是说:“这种啤酒风味微妙,确实与众不同。它带有明显的花香,为啤酒花的苦味增添了某种丰富感。我猜它用的是喀斯喀特啤酒花?是的,绝对是喀斯喀特啤酒花。”  凡夫如是说:“啊呀,这啤酒真棒。赶紧再给我来一杯。”  RED WINE 红酒  The Foodie says: “Typically this time of year I prefer a powerful and muscular Malbec2), but I'm very intrigued by this mysterious and adulterous3) Sangiovese4), thanks to its heavy concentration of fig5) notes6), and this tannic7) finish that's giving off just a hint of plum and longing.”  The Regular Dude says: “Guess who just ordered the second cheapest bottle of Italian red? THIS guy.”  美食家如是说:“通常在每年的这个时候,我更喜欢味道浓烈、有阳刚之气的马贝克葡萄酒。不过这种口感神秘、味道杂糅的桑娇维塞葡萄酒也很吸引我,这归结于它浓郁的无花果香味,以及最后留于舌尖的散发着一丝李子味的单宁酸的味道——这味道令人心驰神往。”  凡夫如是说:“猜猜是谁刚刚点了瓶这里第二便宜的意大利红酒?就是这家伙。”  FRIED CHICKEN 炸鸡  The Foodie says: “I love comfort food, and you can tell that this was treated with the love of somebody who has spent time in the South. There's a tenderness to the meat that can only come from a buttermilk8) bath, but there's something missing. Maybe if it was glossed9) with honey butter and a chile-infused, organic maple syrup? And paired with aMingus10) LP11), naturally?”  The Regular Dude says: “I'm going to take SUCH an awesome nap after this.”  美食家如是说:“我喜欢让人感觉安慰的食物。你能尝得出来,做出这道菜的人怀着满满的爱意,而且在南方生活过。肉质非常柔嫩,只有用脱脂牛奶浸过才会如此,不过好像还缺了点什么。也许应该在上面刷一层蜂蜜黄油和浸有红辣椒的有机枫糖浆?当然,再配上一张明格斯的唱片?”  凡夫如是说:“吃完这顿,我要美美地打个盹。”  SUSHI 寿司  The Foodie says: “Arigato12), Tony-san13)! You've made yet another masterpiece. Only a true itamae14) could take yellowtail15) and make it pop like bluefin16)... it's all the flavor with none of the guilt!”  The Regular Dude says: “TONY, this is some bomb soosh! Can I get A LOT more wasabi17)? And a fork?”  美食家如是说:“谢谢托尼先生。你又做出了一道精品杰作。只有真正的日餐厨师才能把黄鱼料理出金枪鱼一般的弹牙口感……美味无比又不必担心长胖!”  凡夫如是说:“托尼,这寿司真绝了!给我多来点儿芥末好吗?再拿一把叉子。”  RAMEN18)(OR ANY ETHNIC STREET FOOD) 拉面(或任何一种街边特色小吃)  The Foodie says: “It's so fantastic that these street foods are being adopted by chefs with imaginations as large as their palates19). My roommate at university spent the summer in Japan, and she said that this place is the closest thing to authentic street food you can get in the entire neighborhood.”  The Regular Dude says: “This is super good, but I don't remember it being $23 when I ate it every single night in college.”  美食家如是说:“拥有强大味觉和同样强大的想象力的厨师也开始做这些街边小吃,真是太棒了。我的大学室友这个夏天是在日本度过的,她说整个这一带就数这家店的味道最接近正宗的街边小吃了。”  凡夫如是说:“超级好吃,不过当初我在大学里每天晚上都吃这个,没记得要23美元啊。”  PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY SANDWICH 花生酱果冻三明治  The Foodie says: “This is the flavor of my childhood. Of course, it's taken up a tier by this artisan20) almond butter and my own preserves. And the bread is essential: It's made by refugee orphans at a local nonprofit bakery/mill, and 30% of the proceeds21) go to eradicating eczema22) in Botswana.”  The Regular Dude says: “The best day of my life was when I started crushing up chips in these. Or maybe when my son was born. Hmmm ...”  美食家如是说:“这是我童年的味道。当然,这种手工制作的杏仁酱和我自制的果酱把它提升了一个层次。面包是精髓所在:它是本地一家非营利性面包房的难民孤儿做的,面包房收入的30%会被用于根除博茨瓦纳的湿疹。”  凡夫如是说:“要说我生命中最美好的一天,就是开始把薯片放在三明治里夹碎的那天。也可能是我儿子出生的那天。嗯……”  FAST FOOD BURGER 快餐汉堡  The Foodie says: “I am eating this to be ironic, and SUCCEEDING.”  The Regular Dude says: “I am almost positive the dude next to me is wearing a women's sweater.”  美食家如是说:“我吃这种东西就是为了讽刺它,我做到了。”  凡夫如是说:“我几乎敢肯定,我旁边的那个家伙穿了件女式毛衣。”  TRIPE23)/OFFAL24) 肚/动物内脏  The Foodie says: “It's a shame that we live in a society where the best parts of the animal are cast aside or disguised in other foods, but thank god we now have bold, innovative chefs who cast aside society's strictures25) and take something as underutilized as tripe and bone marrow26) and make them into the masterpiece you see right here.”  The Normal Guy says: “Oh god ... these aren't noodles at all.”  美食家如是说:“在我们生活的这个社会,动物身上最精华的部分要么被扔掉,要么被隐藏在其他食物中,真是令人遗憾。不过感谢上帝,现在我们有了一些大胆又富有创新精神的厨师,他们把社会的束缚抛到一边,用肚和骨髓这些未被人们充分利用的食材烹制出面前的这道佳肴。”  凡夫如是说:“哦,天哪……这根本就不是面条。”  注释:  1. hop [hɒp] n. [~s]啤酒花(用以使啤酒等带苦味)  2.Malbec:马贝克葡萄,原产于法国波尔多一带,现多产于阿根廷和智利,用于酿酒。  3.adulterous [əˈdʌlt(ə)rəs] adj.〈古〉掺杂的  4.Sangiovese:(意大利)桑娇维赛黑葡萄,用于酿制葡萄酒。  5.fig [fɪɡ] n. [植]无花果  6.note [nəʊt] n. 特征;(香水等的)基本香型  7.tannic [ˈtænɪk] adj. [化]单宁酸的  8.buttermilk [ˈbʌtə(r)ˌmɪlk] n. 脱脂牛奶  9.gloss [ɡlɒs] vt. 使具有光泽  10.Mingus:即查尔斯·明格斯(Charles Mingus, 1922~1979),美国著名爵士乐低音提琴演奏家、作曲家、乐队指挥  11.LP:密纹唱片,long-playing record的缩略形式  12.arigato:日语,意为“谢谢”。  13.-san:日语中附在姓名、头衔后作为尊称的词,表示“先生”“夫人”“女士”。  14.itamae:日语,指日式餐厅的厨师,也指某些大餐厅的主厨。  15.yellowtail:(长背鰤、石首鱼、黄盖鲽等)尾鳍带黄色的鱼  16.bluefin:金枪鱼  17.wasabi [wəˈsɑːbi] n. 绿芥末  18.ramen [ˈrɑːmən] n. 日本汤菜拉面  19.palate [ˈpælət] n. 味觉  20.artisan [ˌɑː(r)tɪˈzæn] adj. 手工的  21.proceeds [ˈprəʊˌsiːdz] n. [复] (从事某种活动或变卖财物等的)收入,收益  22.eczema [ˈeksɪmə] n. [医]湿疹  23.tripe [traɪp] n. (牛、羊、猪等的)肚(供食用)  24.offal [ˈɒf(ə)l] n. (供食用的)动物内脏  25.stricture [ˈstrɪktʃə(r)] n. 限制,束缚,约束  26.marrow [ˈmærəʊ] n. 髓,骨髓

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